What I Chose to Unlearn Before I Gave Birth
If the stories you’ve heard about birth, told by mothers, sisters, friends, and the media tend to position the medical system as a hero and often pathologize a woman’s body, there may be another side of birth to get curious more about. A side that- in the grand scheme of things- is not often told. Learn about why women are choosing to free birth, undisturbed and unattended and how, it’s actually quite the contrary from an irresponsible rebellious decision, it is a decision women are making with great care and education.
The Safeguards of Natural Fertility: How Your Body Chooses the Perfect Sperm For Conception
If you've been trying to conceive and have faced challenges along the way, know that you're not alone. Even if it may be hard to believe right now, your body is looking out for you.
What if I told you that there’s nothing *wrong* with your body and it’s actually doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing?
Sounds crazy right? Hear me out.
Are your clothes made for your female body? Here’s how to choose clothing that supports your reproductive health
Did you know modern fashion styles and synthetic fabrics may harm your hormones, impair your detox capacity, reduce your fertility and suppress your womb vitality? If you're perusing your favorite online shops, you might be filtering clothes based on price and style points but I'd encourage you to add a couple of filters to ensure that the choices you are making are in line with your health goals, especially if you are working to improve your overall hormone balance and fertility.