The Safeguards of Natural Fertility: How Your Body Chooses the Perfect Sperm For Conception

If you've been trying to conceive and have faced challenges along the way, know that you're not alone. Even if it may be hard to believe right now, your body is looking out for you.

What if I told you that there’s nothing *wrong* with your body and it’s actually doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing?

Sounds crazy right? Hear me out.

You see, when you experience symptoms, of any kind, those symptoms are your body’s way of communicating to you.

Fatigue? ➡️ Communication

Late ovulation? ➡️ Communication

Long cycles? ➡️ Communication

Heavy and painful periods? ➡️ Communication

You get the picture.

Today I’m here to show you why those negative pregnancy tests, as tough as they may be to see cycle after cycle, may be another form of communication that your body is giving you and your husband a message: something is just not right *yet* in order for natural conception to happen easefully.

Wondering how long you should take to to prepare for pregnancy?

uncover the fascinating ways in which your body prioritizes healthy sperm

So let’s shed some light on the incredible ways your body prioritizes healthy sperm during conception.

Understanding the Wisdom of the Female Body

Did you know that your body has amazing mechanisms in place to ensure only the healthiest sperm make it to the finish line?

Let's explore the barriers that safeguard the future health of your child and promote a smooth conception process!

Let's dive right in and explore the fascinating science behind your body's natural selection process:

The Magic of Cervical Fluid

During your fertile window, your body produces different types of cervical fluid. This fluid acts as a wise gatekeeper and a sperm super-highway, allowing only the healthiest and most robust, viable sperm to pass through and reach your precious eggs. Your body knows quality matters, and it's looking out for your future little one!

The pH level of the cervical fluid also plays a crucial role, creating an environment that supports and nourishes the survival of the healthiest sperm.

Side note: Interested in learning about the role your man plays in contributing to your conception and healthy pregnancy? Listen to my episode on The Resilient Fertility Podcast, Optimizing Preconception Health: The Impact of Male Fertility on Pregnancy and Future Generations, where Ayla Barmmer, RDN joins me to share invaluable insights and practical advice to empower both women and men in optimizing their preconception health for the best possible outcomes.

Throughout the episode, we will explore various aspects of male fertility, including:

  • the factors that influence sperm quality and quantity

  • the importance of a balanced diet and nutrition

  • the impact of lifestyle choices on fertility

  • and the role of environmental factors in reproductive health.

Are you compatible?

No, I don’t mean “do you guys get along well”. Did you know that your body can actually scientifically detect a genetically-compatible partner?? Crazy right?!

Understanding the Role of Natural Attraction, MHC Genes, and Pheromones

Your body is brilliant at assessing genetic compatibility and has multiple ways it does this, as early as your first date!

When it comes to natural fertility solutions, the science of attraction and genetic compatibility plays a fascinating role in our journey towards conception. Our bodies have an incredible ability to assess potential partners through their natural scents, driven by the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) genes and pheromones. You may be wondering what those are, keep reading!

1. Natural Attraction and Immune System Diversity

Our bodies are naturally drawn to individuals with immune systems that differ from our own, “increasing the likelihood of eventual offspring being MHC-heterozygous and thus more resistant to a wider pathogen spectrum. It's nature's way of promoting diversity and gifting optimal health to your future little one!

This diversity in immune systems may contribute to healthier offspring with stronger immune responses. It's an instinctive mechanism that enhances the chances of having healthier and more resilient children.

2. The Role of MHC Genes and Pheromones

MHC genes are a crucial component of our immune system. They also determine our body's unique scent or pheromones. Studies have shown that people tend to be more attracted to the scent of partners with different MHC genes. And get this: Your body intuitively selects sperm with MHC genes that complement your own, promoting a harmonious and diverse gene pool for your baby and increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy

It's nature's way of promoting diversity and optimal health for your future little one!

This natural attraction fosters genetic diversity in potential offspring, promoting their overall health.

3. Pheromones: The Language of Attraction

Pheromones are subtle chemical signals our bodies release to communicate with potential mates. These scents work at a subconscious level and significantly influence our attraction to others. Understanding the role of pheromones can help us appreciate the intricacies of human connection and mate selection.

But here’s the (potentially) bad news…

Unfortunately, some evidence shows that if you're on the pill when you're choosing your partner, some of your body’s natural safeguards can be bypassed, meaning that you and your partner may not be genetically compatible.

In this particular study, it showed that women on the pill tended to be more attracted to less masculine men:

Women prefer more masculine, symmetrical and genetically unrelated men during ovulation compared with other phases of their cycle, and recent evidence suggests that men prefer ovulating women to others. Such monthly shifts in mate preference have been suggested to bring evolutionary benefits in terms of reproductive success. New evidence is now emerging that taking the oral contraceptive pill might significantly alter both female and male mate choice by removing the mid-cycle change in preferences.” PMID: 19818527

Now if you were on the pill when you met and married your husband you might be having some questions… Does this mean you can’t get pregnant? Not necessarily, but it may introduce one potential barrier to the process.

How do you know if you and your partner are genetically compatible?

One of the best ways to tell, and it’s an easy test to do, is to smell each other. Does he smell attractive to you? Do you like his body scent? And have him test you as well, does he like your body scent?

Genetic compatibility is one reason why I encourage women who are planning to get married soon or desire to conceive one day to get off of the pill as soon as possible, ideally BEFORE she begins courting her potential husband. That way she can rely on her body’s superpowers to help her find the best mate- something you can’t just tell by swiping right on tinder.

While our bodies naturally assess partners through their scents and immune system diversity, it's just one aspect of the broader chemistry that leads to successful conception.

The bottom line: trust your body, it’s looking out for you.

Only the strong survive

sperm counts have decreased by 62% since 1973

Nature has a way of nurturing the best. Believe it or not, your body can differentiate between healthy and lesser-quality sperm, your body is remarkably skilled at recognizing and allowing entry by only the fittest contenders that have the best chance to fertilize the egg. It's a race for the healthiest start to life!

Your body favors those sperm with excellent motility (swimming ability) and morphology (shape), ensuring only the best make it through (and sperm quality is plummeting at concerning rates among modern men!)

One study demonstrated that total sperm counts have decreased by 62% since 1973!

Your body is a natural gatekeeper, dedicated to nurturing a healthy pregnancy! Once the healthiest sperm wins the race, and your uterus plays a vital role in the next phase. It provides a nurturing environment that supports implantation.

Your body WANTS to conceive!

Your menstrual cycle is like a beautiful dance of hormones. When the time is right, your body triggers ovulation, maximizing the chances of sperm meeting the egg. This precise timing sets the stage for a successful conception and a resilient journey ahead.

Timing is Everything

Your body optimizes the timing of implantation to ensure a perfect match between the developing embryo and your uterus. This precise timing maximizes the chances of sperm meeting the egg, setting the stage for a successful conception! It's a harmonious symphony of biology!

Balanced hormones are essential (read more about Why Balanced Hormones are the Key to Fertility)

One of the most common hormone imbalances I see in my practice is low progesterone and/or estrogen dominance (high estrogen in relation to progesterone). Producing sufficient progesterone for long enough time during your luteal phase (the phase after ovulation) ensures you can maintain a healthy pregnancy. This means having at least 10 days after ovulation before your next period begins!

A reminder…

As you embark on our TTC journey, preconception care becomes a vital part of the process. Understanding natural fertility tracking, confirming when you’re ovulating (not just noticing possible ovulation symptoms or using OPK test kits), and observing cervical mucus patterns can help us optimize your chances of conception. Additionally, considering a fertility diet and consulting a TTC nutritionist can provide valuable guidance on nourishing our bodies for fertility.

Remember, the road to natural conception may have its ups and downs, but embracing our bodies' natural wisdom and understanding how to trust it's ability to filter out genetic compatible partners can lead us to a more fulfilling and successful journey towards parenthood.

There is so much power you both have to optimize conception success!

Join my FREE masterclass where you'll learn:

  • How to properly time intercourse for the most chance of successful conception

  • What factors may be depleting your essential fertility nutrients and delaying your time to conception

  • What you can do to restore your fertility and fortify your body in preparation for baby

I understand that sometimes, despite all the wisdom of your body, the path to motherhood can feel challenging and it might not feel like your body is working in your favor.

That's where Resilient Motherhood my comprehensive online course and private coaching program, comes in to support and give you back your power on this incredible journey!

🌷 This course is expertly designed to help you improve hormone balance, overcome nutritional deficiencies, and optimize your fertility for an easeful conception.

🌷 With personalized coaching, you'll receive one-on-one guidance tailored to YOUR unique needs, giving you back the power to restore from prior pregnancies or hormonal birth control use.

🌷 Embrace your power within and let go of stress with mindset-shifting tools, giving you the confidence and joy you deserve as you navigate your path to motherhood.

🌷 Prepare for a healthy pregnancy with minimal complications and thrive postpartum, as we equip you with essential nourishment, habits and mindset for every step of your motherhood journey.

And discover the transformative power of embracing your body's wisdom. Together, we'll unlock the doors to a resilient and thriving motherhood journey. 🌺


I wouldn't have conceived my first child if I wasn't doing this


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