Why Toxins in Breastmilk Shouldn't Keep You From Getting Pregnant

Why toxins in breastmilk shouldn't keep you from getting pregnant

You may have recently come across that eye-opening headline from People magazine, revealing the presence of 25 kinds of flame retardant chemicals in breast milk. It's only natural to feel concerned about the impact these toxins might have on your baby. But fret not, for knowledge is power, and I’m here to help you sift through the click-bait on your fertility journey!

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding are routes of toxin elimination

It’s sadly true, just like sweating and pooping, pregnancy and breastfeeding are routes of toxin elimination.

Naturally in pregnancy you will mobilize stored body fat to fuel all the actions it takes to build your baby. The problem is that most harmful toxins are locked up in the fat cells - until they become mobilized.

So if you haven’t been taking intentional steps to support detoxification then yes, you’ll also be sharing that with baby 🫣🥴 (keep reading to see what you can do to minimize this!)

One study observed the elimination of another type of endocrine disrupting chemicals, PFOAs (found in nonstick cookware, water resistant clothing and various athletic apparel brands), in breastmilk and found that:

“Each month of breastfeeding was associated with lower maternal serum concentrations of PFOA…The infant PFOA and PFOS serum concentrations were higher per month of breastfeeding.”

Essentially meaning there was a direct transfer to baby 😧

You may be thinking.. “Maybe I shouldn’t get pregnancy or breastfeed so I don’t relay these toxins to my baby?”

However, hopefully you’ll feel encouraged to learn that

Breastfeeding: Still Superior, Despite the Toxins

Let's debunk a common misconception - the presence of harmful chemicals in breast milk doesn't overshadow the immense benefits of breastfeeding.

“To date, no environmental contaminant, except in situations of acute poisoning, has been found to cause more harm to infants than does lack of breastfeeding. I have seen no data that would argue against breastfeeding, even in the presence of today’s levels of environmental toxicants…

Because of human milk’s nutritional, immunologic, anticancer, and detoxifying effects, Wang, Rogan, and other environmental scientists encourage women to continue the practice of breastfeeding even in the context of widespread pollution.

‘At the same time,’ says Pronczuk, ‘breastfeeding mothers should be helped and advised on how to avoid alcohol and drugs and remove themselves from polluted environments, while also creating healthier, safer, and cleaner environments for themselves and their children.’” PMID: 18941560

The bond you share with your little one, the vital nutrients in breast milk and the ways it supports your baby’s long term gut health and immunity still make it a superior choice, as the nutrition your child receives from the breast is the least of its benefits (though still very much important!)

The message I want you to take from this is NOT that you shouldn’t get pregnant or breastfeed, it’s to motivate taking intentional preconception detoxification strategies (like the ones I teach in my course Resilient Motherhood) to MINIMIZE how much of these toxins you will relay to your future child.

But, of course, I understand your concern about endocrine disruptors finding their way into your little bundle of joy. That's why it's essential to take intentional steps to detoxify your system BEFORE conceiving. Yes, you've got this!

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    Preconception Detox: An Empowering Approach

    Before you dive into your 3-month preconception phase, let's talk about detoxification. Picture it like a superhero mission to clear out the toxins and make way for a thriving pregnancy!

    Learn more about this in my Resilient Fertility Podcast Episode, “Do You Need to ‘Do a Detox’ before getting pregnant?”

    In this episode of the Resilient Fertility Podcast you'll learn:

    • Why taking steps to support detoxification BEFORE your 3 month preconception window is important for optimal health of your future baby

    • How environmental toxicants can impact your fertility (and male fertility), directly impacting egg quality and sperm quality

    • The impact your environment has on your hormone balance, influencing states of estrogen dominance and common conditions symptoms like PCOS, Endometriosis, PMS, heavy periods, irregular cycles and more

    • What you can do to reduce your chances of experiencing extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy and some natural strategies to improve Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

    • Whether or not you need to stop breastfeeding to do a detox before your next pregnancy

    • How I approach supporting detoxification in the preconception period

    You can start by optimizing nutrient density, fueling your body with whole, nourishing foods to resource your liver for its detox superhero duties. Think of it as your body's way of saying, "I am ready for this, bring it on!"

    One of the ways you can do this is by trying my detoxifying Dandelion Root Tea which helps to cleanse your liver and support healthy elimination!

    Sweat it Out, Mama!

    To support your body's natural detoxification process, indulge in some good ol' sweating! Whether it's a yoga session, dancing like nobody's watching, enjoying a relaxing sauna session, or hitting the gym, let those toxins bid farewell as you work up a sweat.

    For best outcomes to eliminate endocrine disrupting toxins like BPA, heavy metals, PFOAs and flame retardants, I recommend my clients do 30 minutes of zone 2 “conversational” cardio (like dancing, cycling, hooping, jogging, etc.) followed by 30 minutes of sweating in the sauna. Doing this cardio will help to mobilize stored fat where the toxins are stored, then sweating in the sauna will help to release those toxins!

    You'll feel like a rockstar, ready to embrace motherhood like the boss you are! Plus, any of these strategies will also help you build up your mental resilience to train you to become the resilient mother you were meant to be!

    Farewell, Endocrine Disruptors: Minimize the Culprits

    Now, let's tackle those pesky endocrine disruptors head-on. Prevention is your BEST bet to minimize their effects on your hormone balance because no matter how much sweating or exercise you’re doing, if you’re still being exposed regularly, then that’s not what we’re going for. Avoiding certain materials can be a game-changer! It’s time to start saying goodbye to BPA, phthalates, parabens, and flame retardants lurking in everyday items.

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to sift through the noise of figuring out what’s “toxic” and how do you reduce your toxic burden, check out this podcast episode my husband (a Naturopathic Doctor) and I recorded on practical tips to make non-toxic living approachable.

    And if you’re ready to clean up your wardrobe, be sure to check out my blog post “Are your clothes made for your female body? Here’s how to choose clothing that supports your reproductive health

    Be fierce and show them who's boss!

    The Dos and Don’ts when “detoxing” before TTC your next child


    • Take steps to reduce toxic exposures

    • Nourish healthy liver detoxification

    • Optimize other elimination routes (like sweating, pooping and lymphatic flow)

    • Allow full nutritional preconception replenishment (especially after having a prior child or coming off of hormonal birth control use)

    Don’t :

    • Stop breastfeeding or not get pregnant in the name of detox

    • Continue current exposures of mainstream household cleaners, cosmetics, tap water, cookware, etc.

    • Continue a Standard American Diet

    Prevention is your best bet to reducing the impact of common endocrine disruptors on the health of your future children.

    Just like Marie Kondo declutters homes, you'll declutter your system, leaving only positive vibes that spark joy for your future little one ;)

    Closing Thoughts

    Remember, dear Fertility Warriors, knowledge empowers us to make the best decisions for ourselves and our future families. Yes, toxins may be present, but with intentional detoxification prior to conception, you can minimize their impact.

    Don’t let fear-inducing headlines paralyze you into thinking you have no control over your outcomes. Embrace this journey with confidence, nourish your body, and be your own fertility superhero! You've got the power to achieve an easeful conception, a healthy pregnancy, and a thriving postpartum period.

    You're not alone on this adventure; I’m here for you every step of the way. Join my FREE masterclass: Unlock Your Fertility: How to optimize your habits for optimal pregnancy success to get started!


    The Safeguards of Natural Fertility: How Your Body Chooses the Perfect Sperm For Conception


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