Why Toxins in Breastmilk Shouldn't Keep You From Getting Pregnant
Anisa Woodall, MS CN Anisa Woodall, MS CN

Why Toxins in Breastmilk Shouldn't Keep You From Getting Pregnant

You may have recently come across that eye-opening headline from People magazine, revealing the presence of 25 kinds of flame retardant chemicals in breast milk. It's only natural to feel concerned about the impact these toxins might have on your baby. But fret not, for knowledge is power, and I’m here to help you sift through the click-bait on your fertility journey!

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Can morning sickness and Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) be prevented?
To Pregnancy and Beyond Anisa Woodall, MS CN To Pregnancy and Beyond Anisa Woodall, MS CN

Can morning sickness and Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) be prevented?

If you could prevent the severity of pregnancy nausea and vomiting and simply bask in the bliss of growing an entirely new human inside of you, wouldn't you at least want to try? There is SO much in your power to prevent common pregnancy complications and symptoms like pregnancy nausea, vomiting and Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). Say hello to your most fertile body and reclaim your role in optimizing your pregnancy experience for yourself and your baby.

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