17. Conceiving doesn’t have to be a struggle- Katherine’s Resilient Motherhood Success Story
Katherine’s story is a beautiful example of resilient fertility and embracing a growth mindset on the motherhood journey. In this episode, she shares her story about her challenging conception and pregnancy journeys with her first child and how they motivated her to take her preconception preparation up a notch for her second baby.

16. What I wish I knew about breastfeeding before becoming a mother
If you're preparing to conceive or are pregnant for the first time and are committed to making breastfeeding work but you're concerned about whether or not you'll be able to successfully breastfeed, join in on this episode where you'll find inspiration to align your motherhood journey with physiological needs, have foresight on potential challenges, equip yourself to handle these challenges, and prioritize intuitive parenting for a resilient journey.

15. Histamine Intolerance and Period Problems: The Role of Estrogen Dominance
If you're struggling with period problems, allergies, or trying to conceive, this episode provides valuable insights into using your diet and lifestyle changes to support your fertility journey. If you’re interested in using food as a means to address estrogen dominance and histamine intolerance, to finally experience relief from period pain and improving your chances of conceiving, then I’ll share next steps for doing so!