Am I (still) pregnant?: navigating doubt in early pregnancy
Have you been trying to conceive and you’re either in your two week wait or you’re newly pregnant and you’re just feeling like you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop?
You wake up every morning to check your BBT or do another pregnancy test- “am I pregnant yet?” “am I still pregnant??” The anxiety can feel overwhelming. I created this episode to help you navigate this mysterious period of the unknown.

Busting Sauna Myths: A Deep Dive into Safe Preconception & Pregnancy Practices
Join us as we dive into the world of sauna benefits for preconception and pregnancy. Learn about natural fertility solutions, considerations for sperm health, and how to safely use the sauna to prepare for your healthiest baby possible. We debunk myths, explore the importance of detoxification, and share insights on preconception care. Here's to informed motherhood from the start!

Father Material: Choosing Your Partner For Parenthood
In a world where the roles of mothers and fathers are evolving, it's more important than ever to choose a life partner who is not just a spouse but also an equal contributor to the beautiful journey and responsibility of raising children.
I’m your host Anisa Woodall, a natural fertility nutrition expert and trusted podcast host, drawing from my extensive experience in supporting couples on their journeys to parenthood, I’ll be delving into the nuances of what makes a great partner AND father. We explore the green flags and red flags that can help you make an informed decision when choosing your life partner.

Yoni Steaming: A Traditional Practice for Every Stage of Your Womb Continuum
Dive into this enlightening podcast on yoni steaming with expert Kit Maloney. Learn about adjusting your practice for trying to conceive, fertility, postpartum healing, clearing uterine fibroids, period pain relief, and herb dosages for specific women wellness goals. Listen as Kit shares her journey to natural conception in her 40s. Don't miss this episode!