What to look for in a Prenatal vitamin

You deserve to conceive when you're ready.

That's why I'm inviting you to Join my FREE masterclass Unlock your fertility: How to transform your habits for optimal pregnancy success

  • where you'll learn how to properly time intercourse for the most chance of successful conception

  • what factors may be depleting your essential fertility nutrients and delaying your time to conception and

  • what you can do to restore your health and fortify your body and womb to become the most inviting space to grow your future baby

This masterclass is for you if:

  • you're dying to become a mother and want ot optimize your experience.

  • you're ready to learn more about the power you have over your fertility

  • you dream of conceiving another child without the complications you expereicnd in your prior pregnancy

  • or you want to have a child someday but you have an irregular menstrual cycle, PCOS, or other signs of hormone imbalances.

Take one more step today towards becoming a resilient mother!

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    Ayla Barmmer, MS, RD, LDN is a Registered Dietitian trained in integrative and functional medicine, who specializes in women's health and infertility. Ayla owns and operates Boston Functional Nutrition, an integrative and functional nutrition practice. She is the co-founder of the Women's Health Nutrition Academy, an online academy delivering cutting edge, evidence-based continuing education for healthcare practitioners. She is also the owner and creator of FullWell Fertility which includes FullWell Prenatal Multivitamin, a high-quality prenatal multivitamin delivering optimal nutrients before, during and after pregnancy and now also, FullWell Fish Oil with highly concentrated DHA and the men’s fertility support product, Vitality and Virility.

    Episode 2 of our podcast scratched the surface on the importance of preconception nutrition but with Ayla, we take a deeper dive into some of the key nutrients for fertility, compromises made in common prenatal supplements and why she decided to take the leap into starting her own prenatal supplement company.

    You can find Ayla on Instagram as Aylabarmmer_RD

    For 10% off The FullWell Prenatal (and other products) use code ANISAW10 (formerly named the Full Circle Prenatal)


    • Taking a Whole body approach to Fertility.

    • Important Lab testing in Fertility

    • Importance of Glycine

    • 3rd Party Testing of Supplements

    • Is MTHFR the only type of folate to think about during pregnacy

    • Holistic pre-natal nutrition


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    Before the Bump, Bump Up Your Nutrition