Practical tips for making Non-toxic living Approachable

You deserve to conceive when you're ready.

That's why I'm inviting you to Join my FREE masterclass Unlock your fertility: How to transform your habits for optimal pregnancy success

  • where you'll learn how to properly time intercourse for the most chance of successful conception

  • what factors may be depleting your essential fertility nutrients and delaying your time to conception and

  • what you can do to restore your health and fortify your body and womb to become the most inviting space to grow your future baby

This masterclass is for you if:

  • you're dying to become a mother and want to optimize your experience.

  • you're ready to learn more about the power you have over your fertility

  • you dream of conceiving another child without the complications you experienced in your prior pregnancy

  • or you want to have a child someday but you have an irregular menstrual cycle, PCOS, or other signs of hormone imbalances.

Take one more step today towards becoming a resilient mother!

Did you know that a mother passes on her toxin load to her baby in pregnancy and during breastfeeding?

This is why I place such an emphasis on nourishing your detoxification BEFORE you conceive. A lot of times people ask me, “but aren’t we detoxifying all the time even if we’re not doing a specific detox protocol? Yes, you are totally detoxifying but if you were running a manufacturing plant and half the workers didn’t show up for the day, how do you think it would perform? That’s kind of how you can think of your liver. There is so much more where that came from!

Want to learn more about how to support your detoxification capacity?

In my course, Resilient Motherhood: a self-paced guide to preparing for conception and beyond, I guide you through even more (than in this episode) about how you can reduce your toxic burden, but also how you can provide your body with the nutrients necessary to run liver detox effectively and how you can optimize your elimination routes to ensure you are eliminating what your liver is intending as waste.

With “forever chemicals”, drugs in our tap water and pollution on the rise, considering the toxins and toxicants in our world can feel overwhelming and, understandably, a can of worms you might not want to open. But if you’re trying to conceive or preparing for pregnancy, it’s a critical factor for both parents to address BEFORE getting pregnant. This episode is packed with science-backed practical tips for reducing your toxin exposure on your quest for better health.

In this episode, Dr. Mark Woodall and Anisa Woodall discuss a variety of topics related to the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat- and how collectively they can create a high toxic burden, one that becomes critical to consider if you dream of achieving or maintaining a high quality of life, hormone balance, fertility and/or a healthy pregnancy.  

Toxicants vs. Toxins

  • Toxicants are substance outside the body,

  • Toxins are from inside the body

Genetics-A loaded Gun analogy

Environment- pulls the trigger to turn off/on these genes

Environmental MEDICINE is FOR EVERYONE on this planet.

Toxicants are Removed through

  • Breath

  • Urine

  • Poop

  • Sweat

Do you sweat? (A question Dr. Woodall will commonly ask his patients)

Sweating can be from Exercise or From Sauna

Sauna is an exercise mimetic

SAUNA’s we love

Almost Heaven

Relax Sauna


Anisa used sauna in her lyme treatment and during pregnancy

Consult a doctor about use in pregnancy

Benefits of Sauna-

We don’t live in isolation from other people in the world and the implications of other peoples actions around the world, matter to us.

Superfund SIte

Keep Dry Cleaning outside

Air Filters


Swiss IQ AIr

Snake Plants


Phase 2 Detoxification


Dirty Dozen, Clean 15-

Spinach, Kale, strawberries, Celery- BUY ORGANIC

Walter Crinnion

Testing Companies-

Genova Diagnostics

Great Plains Labratory

Tyrone Hayes

Water Filters

Berkey Filters

Aqua Cera Filter

Brita Filter


6 Lessons I’ve learned on my transition from Maiden to Mother


What to look for in a Prenatal vitamin