Before the Bump, Bump Up Your Nutrition

You deserve to conceive when you're ready.

That's why I'm inviting you to Join my FREE masterclass Unlock your fertility: How to transform your habits for optimal pregnancy success

  • where you'll learn how to properly time intercourse for the most chance of successful conception

  • what factors may be depleting your essential fertility nutrients and delaying your time to conception and

  • what you can do to restore your health and fortify your body and womb to become the most inviting space to grow your future baby

This masterclass is for you if:

  • you're dying to become a mother and want ot optimize your experience.

  • you're ready to learn more about the power you have over your fertility

  • you dream of conceiving another child without the complications you expereicnd in your prior pregnancy

  • or you want to have a child someday but you have an irregular menstrual cycle, PCOS, or other signs of hormone imbalances.

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    Is preconception nutrition a new idea?

    Traditional cultures prized nutrient dense foods like organ meats, fatty fish, bone-in meats, and eating nose-to-tail. Without even having names for the nutrients found in these foods, they had such strong intuition ( and generations of practice) to know exactly which foods helped young couples conceive. 

    Through optimizing your body's digestion, detox capacities, and nutrient status we:

    • directly optimize your womb's ability to release healthy eggs

    • produce fertile cervical fluid

    • implant fertilized eggs

    • develop an embryo

    • increase nutrient absorption and utilization

    • create a favorable epi-genetic environment for your future baby, and manifest healthy pregnancy & birth outcomes.

    When to start pre-natal nutrition

    In general I recommend 6 months but depending on the woman’s health history it may take more or less time. It takes 4 months for women to see a change in egg quality after implementing diet and lifestyle changes.

    SYMPTOMS that may be a clue you need to work on your nutrition before conceiving

    • Period problems: Irregular cycles (long, short or skipped), heavy or light menstrual flow, painful periods, missing ovulation

    • Previous pregnancy complications: miscarriage history or challenges with previous pregnancy (pre-ecclampsia, gestational diabetes, preterm birth, etc.)

    • Severe mood swings

    • Low energy

    • Poor digestion: IBS/SIBO, diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, cramping.

    • Known toxin exposures: nail/hair salon frequently, using generic household cleaners, mainstream skincare products, high-mercury seafood intake.

    Think “if you don’t do ICF, you might need IVF”

    • Iron- 20-65% of menstruating women have deficient reserves (ferritin)

    • Choline- intake should be between ~400-900mg depending on genetics. 2-3 eggs per day!

    • Folate- Bioavailable folate > folic acid especially for individuals with MTHFR variations.

    Anisa’s Favorite Prenatal Vitamin (use code: WOODALLWELLNESS10 for 10% off)

    3 Food Groups to be mindful of during pregnancy

    • High glycemic foods- first trimester HbA1c is 98% predictive of Gestational Diabetes.

    • Dirty dozen- 

    • High mercury fish- Be mindful of Tuna and halibut especially. Though, DHA-rich seafood is still super important! A 2018 Cochrane review reported DHA intake is associated with 42% reduction in preterm (<34 weeks) birth while also reducing maternal risk such as preeclampsia, GD, PPD, hemorrhage etc. If RBC DHA is >5% then there’s reduced risk of low gestational age. Best sources of low mercury high omega-3 fish include wild-caught salmon and sardines.

    Working with Anisa you'll learn:

    • How to listen to your intuitive voice and rebuild your relationship with food while preparing your body to carry life

    • How to use real-food to improve your energy, normalize your periods and fuel the life you want to live

    • The ins-and-outs of your menstrual cycle; learning to shift it to your advantage for fertility and optimizing metabolism.

    • How to prepare your body for a healthy baby, pregnancy, birth and postpartum while preserving your own health and well-being along the way

    Books mentioned in this podcast episode

    The Fifth Vital Sign

    Real Food For Pregnancy


    DHA and preterm birth: Middleton P, Gomersall JC, Gould JF, Shepherd E, Olsen SF, Makrides M. Omega-3 fatty acid addition during pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;11(11):CD003402. Published 2018 Nov 15. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003402.pub3

    An Early Pregnancy HbA 1c >5.9% (41 mmol/mol) Is Optimal for Detecting Diabetes and Identifies Women at Increased Risk of Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes. Hughes, R. C.E., Moore M.P., Gullam J., Mohamed K., Rowan J.Diabetes Care 2014;37:2953–2959. DOI: 10.2337/dc14-1312


    What to look for in a Prenatal vitamin


    Concerns with a Vegetarian Diet in Pregnancy with Lily Nichols, RDN