Are your clothes made for your female body? Here’s how to choose clothing that supports your reproductive health
Did you know modern fashion styles and synthetic fabrics may harm your hormones, impair your detox capacity, reduce your fertility and suppress your womb vitality? If you're perusing your favorite online shops, you might be filtering clothes based on price and style points but I'd encourage you to add a couple of filters to ensure that the choices you are making are in line with your health goals, especially if you are working to improve your overall hormone balance and fertility.

Are you making enough progesterone?
Learn how the 3 months leading up to ovulation can impact your progesterone production and what the implications may be if you're trying to conceive. Get my tips on how to support your egg quality to optimize your progesterone production and your chances for a healthy pregnancy!

5 questions I ask when a new client says they’re struggling to conceive
I’ll address how to cope with the emotional roller coaster of the “Two week wait” in a future post, but today I wanted to share with you some of the initial questions I ask my new clients when they share with me that they’ve been trying month after month to TTC without success (and some action steps you can take today!)