What will YOUR initiation into motherhood look like?
The day you become a mother is filled with so much potential.
It could be the most beautiful, joyful, powerful journey; a journey of surrendering to God’s will, of learning to step back and listen to your body, to your baby; a practice that begins ideally before pregnancy but is refined in conscious, attentive motherhood.
It also has the potential to be the most traumatic, bittersweet experience of your life- bittersweet because you may have still been blessed with a beautiful baby, but…your initiation into motherhood was layered in fear of the mystery, disconnection from your body, distrust in your intuition…

“Unexplained Infertility” or Stress?: The Hidden Ways Stress Is Hindering Your Fertility
Whether you’re struggling with unexplained infertility or you’re feeling plateaued on your journey to balancing your hormones and optimizing your fertility, stress can be a major roadblock keeping you from achieving the results you’re looking for. Read on to find out about the 3 types of hidden stress may be hindering your fertility.

Unlocking the Secrets of Natural Fertility: How to Extend Your Reproductive Longevity
Isn't it ironic that despite humans living longer than ever before, we're currently experiencing our worst state of health? This overall decline in long-term health is concurrently happening with the decline in fertility; people are losing their fertility far earlier than we used to. Today I want to show you how you have the power to reverse your reproductive aging at a cellular level.